Chris Kendrick Photo

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From The City to The Country…

It’s been a while since I wrote anything for this blog and now there are two posts in a week, its been busy in my “proper” job and now it’s half term, which is bringing some welcome relief and along with it, some time to write a couple of blogs and of course, get out with the camera and do some editing.

This year has seen a lot of change - a new job in a different part of the country, which is very different to where I was when I based in London. I loved London, but I really love where I am in the Lake District, in North West England. The change of pace is more than welcome, but it has present a number of challenges for me from a photographic point of view and that’s what I want to talk about here today!

So what’s the take-away from this? I suppose that my overarching point is that you don’t stop learning. No matter how good you are or what you shoot, there’s always room to improve, to develop and to grow - if you don’t think you have anything to learn then you won’t get any better; that’s the only given there is!

I’ve developed a huge amount as photographer since I moved, but you don’t need to move to get better, but get out of your comfort zone and go an shoot something different, you never know, you might enjoy and you might learn something new…